Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bye, bye Starbucks?

Here's yet another great story on controlling the destiny of your neighborhood. Andersonville, a great neighborhood on the north side of the city, is considering adopting an ordinance that would effectively ban "formula business" like Starbucks and Einstein bagels. The City Council is currently drafting the ordinance which would allow qualifying neighborhoods to ban these businesses in their historic districts. While I understand that having Starbucks on every corner is a bit much an outright ban of these kinds of business was quite surprising. If you've ever driven through Andersonville, it has a quaint, eclectic feel, and proponents of this ordinance want to make sure it doesn't lose that feel. Who can blame them?

The face of Chicago neighborhoods seems to almost be changing daily. While this new ordinance will most likely not be before the City Council for a few months, it will be interesting to see the direction is ultimately takes. Will it be a full ban or will it allow for varying regulations? What are your thoughts? Should the City Council see this measure through?

Andersonville may put reins on retail chains